SSC GD कॉन्स्टेबल अभ्यासक्रम आणि परीक्षा पॅटर्न

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SSC GD Constable Recruitment 2021 : 

SSC GD Syllabus 2021 : As you Know that, there Registration of SSC GD is already started. We also that details information declared.  Heavy numbers of interested applicants will applied for SSC General Duty Recruitment 2021. The name of the post is Constable (GD). There are a total of 25,271 vacancies available to fill with the posts. Applicants need to apply online mode before the 31st of August 2021.

SSC GD Constable Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2021 : 

कॉन्स्टेबल (GD) परीक्षेच्या SSC जनरल ड्युटी पदासाठी एसएससी जीडी अभ्यासक्रम आणि परीक्षेचा नमुना कर्मचारी निवड आयोगाने (SSC) सेट केला आहे. एसएससी जीडी परीक्षेच्या पॅटर्न आणि अभ्यासक्रमाच्या मदतीने उमेदवार पद्धतशीर पद्धतीने परीक्षेच्या तयारीसाठी धोरण आखू शकतात. SSC GDच्या अधिकृत अधिसूचनेमध्ये नवीनतम एसएससी जीडी कॉन्स्टेबल अभ्यासक्रम प्रकाशित झाला आहे. हा लेख वाचून उमेदवारांना अभ्यासक्रम आणि परीक्षेच्या पॅटर्नविषयी अधिक माहिती मिळू शकेल

25,271 कॉन्स्टेबल (GD) पदांची बंपर भरती

SSC GD Constable Exam Pattern 2021 :

As per the SSC GD Constable exam pattern, the Tier 1 exam is an online, multiple-choice-based exam. The exam consists of 4 sections having 100 questions in total. The total mark assigned for the online exam is 100. The duration of the Tier I exam is 90 minutes. The questions in all the above components will be of the 10th level.

Subject No. of Questions Maximum Marks Exam Duration
General Intelligence & Reasoning 25 25 90 minutes
General Knowledge & General Awareness 25 25
Elementary Mathematics 25 25
English/ Hindi 25 25
Total 100 100

For Physical Standard Test (PST) : 

Proportionate as per the height and medical standard for male and female.

Visual Acuity Unaided Uncorrected Visual Acuity Refraction Color Vision
Near Vision Distant Vision
Better Eye Worse Eye Better Eye Worse Eye
N6 N9 6 / 6 6 / 9 Visual correction of any kind is not permitted even by glasses

Physical standards laid down for the post of Constable/Rifleman are:

Minimum Chest Required for SSC GD Constable

For Male Candidates For Female Candidates
General, SC & OBC 80/ 5 N/A
Scheduled Tribes 76 / 5 N/A
Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to the States of Assam, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir 78 / 5 N/A
candidates hailing from North Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura 77 / 5 N/A


Minimum Height Required for SSC GD Constable

For Male Candidates For Female Candidates
General, SC & OBC 170 157
Scheduled Tribes 162.5 150
Schedule Tribe candidates hailing from the North-Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim & Tripura and Naxal/ Left Wing Extremism affected Districts 160 147.5
Candidates hailing from the North-Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim & Tripura 162.5 152.5
Candidates falling in the categories of Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to the States of Assam, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir 165 155


SSC GD General Knowledge & General Awareness Syllabus

  • Indian Constitution
  • Culture
  • Scientific Research
  • Geography
  • Sports
  • General Policy
  • Economic Scene
  • History

SSC GD General Hindi & English Syllabus

  • Grammar
  • Comprehension
  • Verbal Ability
  • Vocabulary

SSC GD Syllabus (General Knowledge and General Awareness)

Questions in this component will be aimed at testing the candidate’s general awareness of the environment around him. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of every day observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of any educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to sports, History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity, Indian Constitution, and scientific Research etc. These Questions will be such that they do not require a special study of any discipline.

SSC GD General Intelligence & Reasoning Syllabus

  • Arithmetic Number Series
  • Analogies
  • Discrimination
  • Observation
  • Spatial Visualization
  • Spatial Orientation
  • Visual Memory
  • Similarities and Differences
  • Coding and Decoding
  • Relationship Concepts
  • Arithmetical Reasoning and Figural Classification
  • Non-Verbal Series

SSC GD Syllabus (Elementary Mathematics)

This paper will include questions on problems relating to Number Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions and relationship between Numbers, Fundamental arithmetical operations, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Ratio and Time, Time and Work, etc.

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चालू घडामोडी सराव पेपर सोडवा

मराठी व्याकरण सराव पेपर सोडवा

पोलीस भरती सराव पेपर सोडवा

सामान्य विज्ञान सराव सराव पेपर सोडवा

सराव प्रश्नसंच सोडवा

राज्यशास्त्र सराव पेपर सोडवा

भूगोल सराव पेपर सोडवा

इतिहास सराव पेपर सोडवा

तलाठी सराव पेपर सोडवा

अर्थशास्त्र सराव पेपर सोडवा

IBPS सराव पेपर सोडवा

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